Friday, December 4, 2009

[MyTuneBD.Com] Death Punishment for Rapists in Iran


Death Punishment for Rapists in Iran
(Not for weak-hearted)

Iran is often condemned by most of the countries
in the World; few condemn it for being conservative, others for following harsh law (often called barbaric) and others for not cooperating with US.

US Department of Justice in its report of 2001 says that more than 3,500 cases of rape are reported in entire USA every day. This is more than in any other country in the world. Moreover, more than 50% of girls who attend University in USA become a victim of rape or at least rape attempt. In a beautiful and friendly country like India, the cases of rape and violence against women are on a rise; even foreigners and tourists are no expection. But we don't give death punishment to these criminals.

We should know that a beautiful flower like Lotus grows only in mud. This is what Iran has done that most of the countries have to learn from.

In Iran, for a rapists, the punishment is death. The guy in below pics has killed 22 children (boys and girls) and raped some of them aged between 7 yrs to 13 yrs in Iran. He was caught, lashed 100 times and hanged to death.

Do you support death punishment for rapist? Or you support the rapist?

Think about it!!!



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