Saturday, September 5, 2009

[MyTuneBD.Com] Receive Good Health & also earn lifelong without spending anything




Receive Good Health & also earn lifelong without spending anything from your pocket.


You send the below invitation to all your relatives & friends circle who are in Udupi, Mangalore & Goa, removing the upper part before the Invitation or copy & paste the below part and inform them to attend the Health Products Presentation in whichever place close to them, when they will attend let them meet me after the program or they can talk to me calling me on my mobile before or after the program and when they will write their name in the book which will be there, let them write their name, phone number and in the invited by place: let them write Raymond Saldanha /your name


When they will purchase any of the product/s, I will only give them the product/s and will register you & your close family people in the business taking the required details from you and when you & your family members will start earning commission from Amega Global you purchase Amega Global's product/s at that time let us make the registration of the people who purchased these products earlier


Hope you will be happy with my above decision.


Please go through the real story of one Indonesian lady who joined Amega Global just 2 ½ years back


This lady was working as a clerk in one of the company in Indonesia for 19 years, mother of 3 kids only had the dream of buying a Washing Machine, so she used to save money but was not able to save enough so that she could buy one, at last she gets the offer of Amega Global's health products, so she thinks, if I purchase one of these product, I will get good health then I can inform about this to my friends and if they purchase I will earn commission then I can buy my Washing Machine, so she decides and purchases one of the BRACELET and receives good health and informs about this to all her friends from the office and others and all of them purchases the bracelets & receives good health and informs this to their friends.


So, this lady started receiving commission and at last the Washing Machine comes to her home, after that she makes every item required for the house from the commission what she is receiving from Amega Global. Today she is owner of a big Island in Indonesia, having a Boat to roam on that Island, also having 2 Mercedes cars & 1 BMW Car with a very big Bungalow to stay


Today she is one of the Associate Director of Amega Global earning an Income of more then US$. 100,000 per month


So, you can also become one of the Associate Director of Amega Global and can earn this income if you do, as I am informing you


Best regards

Raymond Saldanha




You are Invited

for the Amega Global's Health Products Presentation

to control Blood Pressure (BP), Diabetes

get relief from Migraine, Head ache, Varicose vain pain,

Back Ache, Body Ache or any other pain anywhere in the body

Getting new Hair on the Bald Head, Weight Management

Become 10 years younger in look to your age

etc. etc.



on Sept. 5, 2009 @ 5.30 p.m.



on Sept. 6, 2009 @ 4 p.m.



on Sept. 11, 2009 @ 4 p.m.


At Hotel NovaGoa, Panjim, Goa

on Sept. 12, 2009 @ 5 p.m.


At Rotary Hall, Ponda, Goa

on Sept. 13, 2009 @ 5 p.m.


Please come, bring your friends also along with you and get benefited


For any additional information, kindly contact the undersigned


Best Regards

Raymond Saldanha

Mob: +919845376244



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