Hussain Khan
His Excellency, Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen,
The Prime Minister of
Through The Danish Ambassador in
Your Excellency,
Subject: Protest Against Anti-Muslim Prejudice Of Danish Government
And Against Publication Of Provocative Cartoon In 17 Danish Newspapers
On behalf of the Muslims living in
We regard it a matter of great regret that deserves full condemnation from all Muslims of the world that your government is determined to pursue anti-Muslim policies reminiscent of 12th and 13th century Crusades of Christians against Muslims. You are not preaching Christianity to us, but in the name of the so-called "freedom of speech", your government has embarked upon a campaign of abusing Islam and its sacred prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him); and for which you have never expressed any regrets.
Unfortunately, your government is hiding its secret desire to abuse Muslims under the plea that the media in your country is free and not under your control. This is absolutely a false plea. Suppose your media starts an anti-Danish campaign and invites some foreign country to militarily attack
Please have a look on the attached document under the caption, "Hypocrisy of the Freedom of Speech in the West". It documents many cases showing there is no such thing as absolute freedom of speech in the West. As a matter of fact, the West as whole and your prejudiced anti-Muslim government in particular has double standards for the Muslims. You value the freedom of your editors but do not care for those who are hurt by the abuse of such a freedom.
A Western scholar, a leading British commentator on religious affairs and author of Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet, Karen Armstrong says, "..........I think it was criminally irresponsible to publish these cartoons. They have been an absolute gift to the extremists - it shows that the West is incurably Islamophobic. It sends a very bad message. But, more seriously, it is letting ourselves down. We trumpet abroad about what a compassionate culture we are. But these cartoons depicting Muhammad as a terrorist are utterly inaccurate, feeding into an Islamophobia that has been a noxious element in Western culture since the time of the Crusades. It can only inflame matters at this very crucial juncture of our mutual history. And now we are all living in this multicultural society cheek-by-jowl with one another, not even within a single country but we are linked to one another in our global village. We have to learn to live side by side better than this………"
We are not making any baseless allegations against your government. You have never asked your newspaper editors to stop acting against the very interests of
Your Excellency,
In a recent televised speech to the nation, you have called for a halt to the violent protests which have ravaged schools and private property for more than a week. According to a report in the
Your Excellency, why such a small incident against an elderly Palestinian Muslim in your country goes out of proportion? It is simply because your prejudice against Muslims could not remain hidden for long and the Muslim youth in Denmark have seen your anti-Muslim face and unapologetic attitude toward the entire Muslim Ummah, which is encouraging your newspapers to abuse our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him).
While your government has always been insensitive to Muslim resentment, other non-Muslim and Christian countries like
Even in a much more free country than your
The Editor-in-Chief, Carsten Juste, of the main culprit newspaper, Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten, who initiated reprinting of abusive cartoon in alliance with 16 other newspapers, speaks of Danish media ethics code and Danish media traditions, while showing his sympathies with his Cartoonist, Kurt Westergaard. But in his self-styled ethical code and media traditions, it appears alright to punish over 1.2 billion Muslims for an uncommitted, unproven, hypothetical crime of 3 would-be Muslim assassins of his Cartoonist. What a laughable standard of justice, Danish ethics and media traditions! Punish the entire Muslim Ummah for an uncommitted would-be crime of 3 persons and never apologize for it! Your government is exposing its secret anti-Muslim bias by remaining a silent spectator to all this drama!
You have no supporting evidence for trying these 3 would-be assassins in any Danish court of law, as you have no proof of their alleged murder plot. You have already freed one Danish Muslim suspect after interrogation and would deport the other 2 Tunisians. What a mockery of Danish justice!
Unfortunately, on such a baseless, unproved, suspicion, you, by your unapologetic attitude, and your media, by reprinting those cartoons, are taking revenge, not from those 3 suspects, but from the Muslims all over the world.
In Islam, we have been taught to respect leaders of all religions and all cultures. But your ethical code allows abusing them just for the satisfaction of your anti-Muslim prejudices. Do your moral teachings allow you to hurt the feelings and sentiments of the people who have never hurt your elders, leaders or heroes?
In a multi-cultural global village of 21st century, we request your government to come out of your narrow confines of prejudices against Muslims and apologize for the needless provocation by all leading 17 newspapers of your country.
Sincerely Yours,
For Muslim Organizations in
Hypocrisy of the Freedom of Speech in the West
By: Sherif Abdel Azeem Mohamed
(Excerpts from an article by Sherif Mohamed. Please click below for the full article: "http://www.ummah.
"……..As a matter of fact, the overwhelming majority of Westerners would justify the West's attitude by citing the magic phrase "Freedom of Speech." If one argues with them "Do you mean absolute freedom of speech even offensive and hurtful speech?", they would proudly affirm: "Yes unconditional freedom of speech. Anyone is entitled to express his/her views regardless of whether others will be pleased or offended by these views." If you ask them: "Is this theory practiced unconditionally in the West today?" So many would not hesitate to give an affirmative answer. At this stage one should say "It is not the first time in history that so many have been so wrong for so long." The truth of the matter is there is no such thing as absolute freedom of speech neither in the West nor any where else. Skeptics would, rightly, demand evidence for this claim. Here are some haphazardly collected examples that I have mostly encountered by chance while reading Western newspapers, magazines, and books in the last few months.
Let us start with
A German publisher based in
In June 1995,
This comment led to a storm of protest from the Armenian community in
In Aug. 17, 1995, A book published in
In the
The American Media has a long history of voluntary censorship. For example, a series of films which explained why Muslims were growing more furious with the West, were taken off-air in the
House speaker Newt Gingrich has dismissed a House historian when it was brought to his knowledge that she has once written: "The Nazi point of view, however unpopular, is still a point of view, and is not presented."
In the summer of 1995, The War Veterans Lobby (one of the most powerful lobbies in
In 1986, author George Gilder (whose book Wealth and Poverty was a worldwide best seller in 1981) had a great difficulty in finding a publisher to republish his earlier book, Sexual Suicide, because of protests from feminists who think (as one of them has recently said on ABC) that "Sexual differences should not even be studied."
Oxford University Press rejected Professor John Vincent's book, A Very Short Introduction to History, which it had previously welcomed. The reason was that Vincent had not been politically correct. He had used the word "men" instead of "people", referred to historians as "he" thereby excluding women historians, etc.
Michael Jackson's latest album generated a wave of protest because some of the words therein were deemed racist by some American Jews. Charges of anti-semitism prompted
In Canada, CTV Television network on its popular morning show "Canada AM" has, on Oct. 15, 1994, hosted Josef Lepid, a leading Israeli political commentator, who, on the air, called for "a decent Jew in Canada" to assassinate Victor Ostrovosky (a former Israeli intelligence officer and author of two books exposing Israeli intelligence secret operations). The incident received conspicuous silence in the Canadian media. The very same commentators who had clamored for Rushdie's right of free speech uttered no words in support of Ostrovosky's same right.
A couple of years ago, a British historian was giving lectures in
A university professor wrote on his campus journal that a woman who had been raped by her partner should bear some of the responsibility for the rape especially if she was improperly dressed. His comments prompted a huge outcry on campus. He was forced into early retirement.
It seems that the West does not only lack absolute freedom of speech, it lacks absolute freedom of thinking as well. One might enjoy the hospitality of German prisons (for 5 full years) for 'believing' that the Holocaust has never happened. In
The seldom acknowledged fact is that thought control does exist in the West. It is practiced by the governments, the media, the universities, and more importantly by the politically correct crowd. Several insightful Western intellectuals have recognized this fact. For example, Alexis de Tocqueville described
It should not be construed however that freedoms of thought and speech are nonexistent in the West. Such a conclusion would be untrue and unfair. As a matter of fact, the West does enjoy more freedom of speech than anywhere else in the world today. One cannot ignore the freedom to protest, demonstrate, and strike provided by Western constitutions. One cannot disregard the relatively open and free discussions and debates taking place in parliaments and lecture rooms throughout the West. One cannot dismiss the role of Western media in exposing politicians misdemeanor as insignificant. For example, one cannot forget the role of the Washington Post in the Watergate affair. Nevertheless, these freedoms are neither unlimited nor unconditional. Opinions which might irritate powerful groups, important interests, or significant segments of the population are silenced by many 'nonviolent' means. George Orwell in his article, The Freedom of the Press, has eloquently described the status of Western press: "Unpopular ideas can be silenced, and inconvenient facts kept dark without the need for any official ban...[the] press is extremely centralised and most of it is owned by wealthy men who have every motive to be dishonest on certain important topics. But the same kind of veiled censorship also operates in books and periodicals, as well as in plays, films and radio. At any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed that all right-thinking people will accept without question...Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness. A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing, either in the popular press or in the highbrow periodicals.
Let us now try to honestly address the ticklish question of free speech. Should there be freedom of speech? Certainly. Absolute freedom of speech? Certainly not. Why? Offensive speech has disastrous consequences affecting individuals and the society at large. It leads to the spread of hatred, animosity, and divisiveness. For example, how many human beings would accept others to accuse their mothers of being whores ? Should the society protect the freedom of speech of the accuser or the freedom from offensive speech of the accused? If one whole group in the society is denigrated as 'niggers' by another group, should the society protect the freedom of speech of the offending group or the freedom from speech of the offended group ? If non-Jews accuse Jews of conspiring to exterminate all other races, whose freedom should be protected? If men describe women as sources of all evil, whose freedom should be protected? When a group of women, whom one billion Muslims revere more than their own mothers, have been gratuitously defamed by Rushdie as whores, whose freedom should have been protected? In general, societies have little to lose and so much to gain by proscribing outrageous speech. In fact, all human societies have, to one degree or another, practiced freedom from speech. However, not all societies have been honest to admit what they practice. The Quran has been unequivocal in forbidding all kinds of insulting speech: "O you who believe; let not some men among you ridicule others: it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor let some women ridicule others: it may be that the latter are better than the former, nor defame nor be sarcastic of each other, nor call each other by offensive nicknames...
However, in limiting freedom of speech for the purposes of social peace and harmony, no society should go to the extreme of "outlaw ... questioning.
To sum up, the whole Rushdie affair and its protracted aftermath has never been a mere question of free speech in the West as any simple comparison between the fate of professor Lewis in France and the treatment professor Schimmel received in Germany would clearly reveal. The support which Rushdie has received in the West and the defamation which Dr. Schimmel has been subjected to in Germany have more to do with Western "Islamphobia" than with absolute freedom of expression. The Western blatant indifference towards the feelings of Muslims is due to intense Western misunderstanding, suspicion, and fear of Muslims and Islam. Had the West really believed in and practiced absolute freedom of speech, then Muslims would have been very wrong to demand a ban on the Satanic Verses since it would have been a violation of a well-established Western tradition. But the West has never practiced this imaginary absolute freedom of speech and probably never will……... Muslims in the West are the least studied, the least understood, the least trusted, and the least respected minority group. According to a nationwide poll conducted for the American Muslim Council, 67% of Americans had favorable opinions of Roman Catholicism, 52% of Judaism, 39% of Christian fundamentalism and only 23% had a favorable opinion of Islam. Muslims in the West, especially in some European countries such as Germany, France, and Britain, live under conditions that can at best be described as contemptuous tolerance.
Profile: Sherif Abdel Azeem Mohamed has a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Queen's University (
----- Original Message -----From: Abdel-rahman MohamedSent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 9:31 AMSubject: Re: Proposal for our revised strategy to DanishDear Br. . Aburrahman Siddiqi Br. Hussain Khan
Assalam Alikum,
Dr. Salimurahman and Shykh Aqil and some other brothers already decided to have the meeting on Friday 6:00 pm at Otsuka Mosque. I hope you might have the ability to attend.
I think the main procedure as what we did before:
- Having a delegate from Otsuka Masjid, MSAJ, Islamic Center Japan and Mr. Hssien Khan (I forgot his Association Name) to go to the Danish Embassy and submit a formal letter of protest inside the embassy.
- Mr. Hussien Khan last time prepared a nice letter and all agreed about it.
I hope you can prepare such a letter for this time.
Wassalam Alikum
Abdurrahman Siddiqi <> wrote:wa alikum Assalam. I agree to have the meeting.But I
suggest that the meeting be held on Sunday,not
Friday. It is already late. Find out what the Muslims
of Denmark say about it.More people should be
informed.Please decide and finalise.Place Otsuka is
O.K.but you can also consult Islamic Center and ask
Mr.Salim Khan,acting Chairman to call the
meeting.That will be more effective,I think. I support
your action. A.R.Siddiqi.
--- Abdel-rahman Mohamed
> Dear Brothers
> Asslam Alykum,
> All of us for sure read the news of republishing the
> offensive cartoon.
> At least we need to express the refuse of All
> muslims in Japan for this uncivilized actions.
> For that reason after contacting with some elder
> brothers here in Tokyo.
> They agreed about helding ameeting as soon as
> possiple it will be better if this friday 22nd or
> sunday. the suggested place: at otsuka Mosque.
> Please let us know your opinion.
> Wajzakom Allah khayra
> note forwarded messages
> Wrote:
> asSalamu alaikom dear brothers
> Jazakom Allahu kairan br. Hefny for your idea and
> good intention, and for reminding us to do this good
> deed. I have an opinion: to send one well written
> letter from an organization that represents all
> muslims in Japan like MSAJ. Or at least we send by
> the name of our group ESAJ and we include the names
> and emails of all people who would like to share,
> which I think all of us want to do this. This will
> be more powerful than sending individual emails
> especially if we send them at the same time, the
> embassy may not read all of them.
> If you agree with me, let's do it as soon as
> possible since few days already passed on the
> re-publishing of the drawings.
> The Univ. of Aizu
> wrote:
> Dear all brothers of Esaj members,
> This e-mail is NOT for Muslim members only and it
> is not to raise members rage. Also, it is not a call
> for terror action or violence motivation, it is
> simply a call for a well educated persons who have
> modest minds.
> All of us for sure read the news of republishing
> the offensive cartoon of our prophet Mohamed (sala
> Alah alihi we sallam) by the Danish newspaper (may
> Alah leads them to the right path) as a gesture of
> support of other newspapers which published this
> cartoon for the first time and after declaring of
> arresting a danish citizen of Moroccan descent and
> two Tunisians for planning to murder the cartoonist
> who draw the cartoon at 2005 (as they claimed).
> For sure every one of you thought about what to do
> towards this action and for sure you believed that
> we should solve this problem on the long term policy
> (by changing ourselves to the right way and to
> express our Islam as Alah wants us to do) however,
> I'm suggesting that every member from Esaj send a
> simple fax to the embassy of Denmark in Tokyo with a
> polite words expressing his refuse for this
> uncivilized actions and telling them who is prophet
> Mohamed (sala Alah alihi we sallam) in very simple
> words.
> Brothers, we are about 400 members and I think
> the embassy when receive 400 fax saying NO for what
> they did, they will know at least that there are
> followers for prophet Mohamed (sala Alah alihi we
> sallam) in Japan, a country who Arabs themselves
> never imagined that a word of Alah will be here.
> For sure many members will say what faxes can do,
> but I think it is better than nothing. At the end I
> do not want to open a topic for useless argument and
> please take care of the fake e-mails which utilize
> this topic to distribute fake data about this issue
> and to gain millions of dollars by commercials.
> May Allah bless us and forgive all our seines and
> consider us with those his Majesty accepted them is
> his faithful slaves... ameen
> All the best
> University of Tokyo
> Abdel-rahman
> (GRIS)
> Saitama University
> Abdel-rahman
> (GRIS)
> Saitama University
> --------------------- --------- ---
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